Jamestown Foundation, Jamestown, VA

Jamestown Foundation, Jamestown, VA book signing event. McGill has a 30-year career in public history. He is the founder of the Slave Dwelling Project, which allows people to sleep in extant slave dwellings to raise awareness and preservation of these often-neglected structures. His new book, “Sleeping with the Ancestors,” was released in 2023. https://wydaily.com/latest-news/2024/01/07/jamestown-settlements-directors-series-returns-for-2024-season/

Juneteenth Celebration

Magnolia Plantation & Gardens, SC 3550 Ashley River Rd, Charleston, SC, United States

Learn more about the Slave Dwelling Project and the meaning behind Juneteenth. Honor and recognize the Emancipation of those who were once enslaved. 

Morris Island, Charleston, SC

Join us on Thursday, July 18, 2024 as we commemorate the 161st anniversary of the Assault on Batter Wagner. The Assault on Battery Wagner on July 18, 1863, was an unsuccessful assault led by the 54th Massachusetts, an African American infantry, famously depicted in the movie Glory. Battery Wagner is located on Morris Island in […]


8th SDP Conference

The 8th national Slave Dwelling Project Conference will take place October 3-5 in Philadelphia, PA in collaboration with University of Pennsylvania’s McNeil Center for Early American Studies.

Behind the Big House Tour

Behind the Big House 151 South West Boundary Street, Holly Springs, MS, United States

Behind the Big House Tour, Holly Springs, Mississippi

Kentucky Heritage Council, Keynote Speaker

Kentucky Heritage Council, Keynote Speaker; Newport, Kentucky https://nkytribune.com/2025/03/kentucky-heritage-councils-2025-historic-preservation-conference-to-be-held-may-15-16-in-newport/