Our Supporters


The Slave Dwelling Project is grateful to our nationwide community of supporters, whose generosity enables us to sustain the important work of changing narratives, one slave dwelling at a time. This vital support also helps us extend our reach and deepen our programming at this critical moment in our nation’s history.


Members Advisory Council:

Douglas Ash Dolores McDonagh
Cynthia Barton Steph McDougal
Catherine Carey Madeleine McGee
Suzanne Clary Jeanne Pirtle
Emila Colon Hunter Rhodes
Greg Garvan Maxwell Shaw
Danielle Geong Doug Shipman
John Kraljevich Eileen Vachher
Kristina Kinsman Maynard Silke Watson




Institutional Supporters, 2019 – Present:

1772 Foundation
Boeing Company Charitable Trust
Elhapa Foundation
Magnolia Plantation