Descendant Communities Social Innovation Lab

The National Museum of African American History & Culture and the African American Cultural Heritage Action Fund of the National Trust for Historic Preservation are hosting the Descendant Community Social Innovation Lab

Behind the Big House Tour, Holly Springs, Mississippi

Behind the Big House 151 South West Boundary Street, Holly Springs, MS, United States

Preserve Marshall County & Holly Springs, Inc.’s preservation initiative: the “Behind the Big House” Program

Combahee River, SC

Fields Point Green Pond, South Carolina

Join us on Friday, June 2 for an overnight experience to commemorate the 160th anniversary of the Raid on Combahee Ferry. Registration required.

Mt. Moriah Book Signing

Mt. Moriah Baptist Church

Join Joseph McGill and Herb Frazier for a presentation and book signing of Sleeping with the Ancestors.

Sumter County Library Book Signing

Sleeping with the Ancestors presentation presented by the Sumter County Library and sponsored by the SC Humanities Council.

Jamestown, Florence, SC

A large family reunion, with educational programs open to the public, is held each July.

Ashland, Lexington, KY

Joe McGill and a team of living historians from throughout the US will participate in panel discussions, lectures, book signing and living history.

Whitney Plantation

Whitney Plantation 5099 Louisiana Hwy 18, Edgard, United States

Please join us at Whitney Plantation for a campfire conversation, sleepover, living history, and book signing.

Book talk and signing at City Gallery

Charleston City Gallery 34 Prioleau Street, Unit A, Charleston, SC

Join co-authors Joseph McGill Jr. and Herb Frazier for an informal talk and book signing followed by lunch. RSVP required.

International African American Museum

IAAM 14 Wharfside Street, Charleston, SC, United States

Please join Joseph McGill and Herb Frazier for a talk about Sleeping with the Ancestors followed by a book signing. 

Timrod Library, Summerville, SC

Timrod Library 217 Central Avenue, Summerville, SC, United States

Please join Joseph McGill and Herb Frazier for a talk about Sleeping with the Ancestors followed by a book signing.