Booker Taliaferro Washington

Booker Taliaferro Washington was an American educator, author, orator, and advisor to presidents of the United States. Mr. Washington is best known for his involvement in creating Tuskegee University. So, what does Booker T. Washington have to do with the Slave...

A Conference Between Sleepovers

After the Third Annual Slave Dwelling Project Conference which was held in Columbia, South Carolina in September 2016, I felt that we had reached a saturation point. In those past three years, we had never exceeded 150 in attendance at any of the conferences. Board...

Dorchester County, Maryland

Sometimes people contact the Slave Dwelling Project seeking assistance on how to restore their slave dwelling(s). These inquiries usually come from private owners who have the desire but not the means to restore these historic places. Demolition by neglect is the...
More Talk, Less Sleep

More Talk, Less Sleep

As the Slave Dwelling Project continues to evolve, sleeping in slave dwellings is becoming less significant for me. It is not because I’m bored after seven years of spending nights in places where the enslaved Ancestors once inhabited. Sleep is now occupying less time...

James K. Polk

I prefer that every slave dwelling ever built was still on the American landscape to remind of the enslaved Ancestors, but that is not the case because we have been a nation that would rather forget about those parts of history that make us uncomfortable. Some slave...