Who We Are. What We Do. How You Can Help.

OUR VISION FOR THE FUTURE: The Slave Dwelling Project envisions a future in which the hearts and minds of Americans acknowledge a more truthful and inclusive narrative of the history of the nation that honors the contributions of all our people, is embedded and preserved in the buildings and artifacts of people of African heritage, and inspires all Americans to acknowledge their Ancestors.
OUR MISSION has five parts:
- Raise awareness and organize resources to preserve, interpret, maintain and sustain extant slave dwellings and other structures significant to the stories of the enslaved Ancestors.
- Bring together scholars and practitioners, preservationists, students and educators, writers, artists, legislators, organizations and businesses with the general public to:
- Change the narrative of American history and address the legacies of slavery,
- Preserve and sustain slave dwellings,
- Promote education about slavery and the contributions of African Americans,
- Engage in conversation about all these matters.
- Support and encourage individuals and organizations to preserve and mark sites related to the institution of slavery and the legacy of slavery.
- Educate ourselves and others about the intertwined history of Americans of African and European origins, from the country’s founding to the present, to help us rewrite the narrative of history, preserve slave dwellings, and have dialogue about the legacies of slavery.
- Engage people in honest conversations about slavery, race, racism and racial equity in search of improved racial relations.
WHAT WE DO: The Slave Dwelling Project
- Gives talks and presentations
- Organizes and conducts overnight stays at sites associated with slavery
- Presents living history programs – “Inalienable Rights: Living History Through the Eyes of the Enslaved.” Holds a major conference annually and at least one mini-conference each year
- Provides consultation and networking support for those interested in preserving an extant slave dwelling
OUR CORE VALUES: We are guided by these values and we work with like-minded individuals and organizations.
- Uplift the voices of the enslaved
- Come in peace, mean no harm, act with compassion
- Tell the truth, keep it real – no sugarcoating
- Accept psychological and physical discomfort in service to our Mission
- Tell stories that help us learn and connect
- Ground our work in researched history
- Collaborate and work as a team
- Take pride in the diversity of our group
HOW YOU CAN SUPPORT US: Your support is needed and most welcome.
- Join us for an event: slavedwellingproject.org/sdp-events/
- Support The Slave Dwelling Project: slavedwellingproject.org/support-us/
- Support our Annual Conference: slavedwellingproject.org/support-the-conference/